Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Comments and Concerts!

Well, thanks to all those who commented (ahem, it was 2) but even with the low number, it's getting my spirit up in a way.

Ok, this blog is going to be about some of the concerts I've been to and you can start to see the kind of music I'm liking and how my style can be similar when I start to post my lyrics and possibly some performances on my webcam.

Since it will take forever for me to blog about every concert I've been to right now, I'll just do my first and second. My first concert was an Avril Lavigne. BUT before you decide to leave, I now think her music is pretentious and that she has become which she used to mock before. Anyways, the seats were ok and the band before her was all right. She came out, performed songs, played the drums and piano and that was it. All in all, not the greatest concert but a good one for a starter, you know, with all the screaming fans and stuff.

Fast forward a couple years later and you have me, in gr.7 trying to explore the newer and different genres, away from the Top 40 crowd and stuff, where I decided to get tickets to a newish band called Marianas Trench. Different crowd and different venue was a nice change from my old self and they were very amped and pretty cool to the crowd. This is where I also got my first glance at Faber Drive, who are kind of like a pop rock sorta thing. Not super great or anything but not bad on the radio (as compared to Hannah Montana, ugh).

So, as you can see I am making a move from pop music into different sub genres of rock and indie type of stuff. And this ends my post

Keep on truckin'


Elisa Kwon said...

haha, avril lavigne. i have yet to go to a concert...sad and pathetic? well, yeah....
my sister hasn't even...and she's 17.

wow, my life is an endless field of...patheticness, eh?

Tavi said...

Can't wait to see the other concerts you blog about! Agreed, Zack and Cody are fatasses.